
Making your own blog/website is hard!

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I have to say I was a bit naïve going into this process. But as is such with many things I begin. I feel like I can “Do it myself” or DIY (as they say). But watching a few videos and seeing “How easy it is to set up your blog” doesn’t really prepare you for the fact that it’s actually a bit confusing. Quite confusing.

The people that started doing this years ago without YouTube tutorials. Kudos to you because I can only imagine what that was like. All that being said, I’m enjoying this process. I’m learning a lot. I’m learning a lot about web design, and graphic design, and its plugging me into my creative bone. I’ve been missing that. I’ve needed that. I had interest to create something like this years ago but didn’t have the drive to learn or desire to put effort into slogging away for hours building a site. Somebody reading this could end up saying…”man, its really not that hard,” and maybe it’s not. All I can speak from is my perspective, and that while enjoyable, this has been difficult.

I’m finally starting to understand Elementor, which Is beginning to make this a lot more enjoyable. I see the pattern opening up to totally redesigning my site eventually. Because I’m starting to see how things work. I’m trying to make sure that I don’t allow myself to get so caught up in design that I don’t create this…the words, the thoughts. And while I think that I’ve allowed myself to become a little more obsessed with the design process, I’ve definitely had it in the back of my mind to get myself to the place where I can start posting articles. I think I am here now.

I really have no expectations. I’m truly just starting this to have an outlet to pour thoughts out. If someone decides to read and finds it interesting, so be it.  I suppose connection is a desire as well. To hopefully connect with like minds.

But for now…..

Here’s to the process, here’s to starting.


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Picture of Scott Weatherman

Scott Weatherman

I'm an amateur writer, photographer, and documenter of life.
Originally from Oklahoma.