
About Me


My name is Scott Weatherman if you haven’t noticed already! Its all over this page! Funny really as I’ve been signing my name all over things my whole life. So, is that what personal branding is? I suppose so, or at least that’s what they tell me. I’ve built this page myself with the help of many Youtube tutorials. I’m proud of that.

Anywhoo…..this page is an effort to showcase a bit of myself. A personal place to write, and share, and freely be me. I desire authenticity, and I hope to find like minds along the way.

Originally from Oklahoma but I’ve traveled and lived many places in the last 16 years.

Things I love are photography, good food, and good conversations. Travel has been one of my biggest passions and interests for many years. However, recently I’ve become very interested in entrepreneurship and learning about business. Mental health and self-care are very important to me as well. I’m learning to set boundaries and be easier on myself, along with distancing myself from negative and toxic influences.

I’m an empath that has had to become tough to survive. I’m deeply self-reflective and I think that is one of my greatest qualities. Emotional intelligence is not a gift everyone develops. I feel like it is one of my greatest accolades.

I am darkness and I am light. And I’m learning to embrace the good and bad in each of those.

I am Scott. I am me. I’m the only one of me.

I don’t know what this page will be yet. But I am here.

Welcome to my little piece of life on the interwebs.